WMC overview of new physician assistant practice law

June 17, 2021

In 2020, the Washington State Legislature passed legislation to modernize the state’s physician assistant (PA) laws. Currently, PA’s and physicians work together under delegation agreements approved by the Washington Medical Commission (WMC). Beginning July 1, 2021, the delegation agreement process will be replaced with the new practice agreement system outlined in HB 2378 (2020). Current delegation agreements will still be valid after July 1, 2021, unless the contents of a delegation agreement changes or the PA changes jobs. The WMC hosted a webinar explaining the changes, which can be viewed online here. The webinar covers the components of a practice agreement, changes regarding remote sites and supervision expectations. Additionally, the WMC posted its new practice agreement form on its website alongside other PA practice resources.

WSHA’s bulletin on the new PA laws is available online here.


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