Webinar: ‘Mind the Gap: Repairing the US Healthcare Workforce’

August 5, 2021

Join Washington Hospital Services Industry Partner Qualivis for the webinar Mind the Gap: Repairing the US Healthcare Workforce from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 8.

We entered the COVID-19 pandemic with a broken U.S. health care system where hospitals were already reporting a nurse shortage. We called on the existing workforce to perform the herculean task of caring for communities in the height of a pandemic despite not having the necessary equipment, staffing and resources.

The result is now burnout and high turnover at unprecedented rates coupled with strained patient quality results. This sets the stage for an extreme supply and demand imbalance. To rebuild, hospitals must explore the experiences of their staff and create thoughtful strategies to repair the workforce. This thought-provoking session will explore fresh research and help leaders create effective retention strategies for the future workforce.

The webinar will be presented by Aya Healthcare Group President, Workforce Solutions, April Hansen, MSN, RNB. Register here.

The Washington Hospital Services Industry Partner program connects hospitals with companies to create efficiencies, lower costs and deliver exceptional health care. For more information about Qualivis or the WHS Industry Partner Program, contact Ed Phippen at edp@wsha.org or call (206) 216-2556.


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