Veterans: Serving Country, Serving Patients

Veterans Day is an important opportunity to recognize the veterans who have served our country so well. Too often, these proud men and women are coming back to a civilian... Read More >>

Expanding Access to Health Care: The Time is Now

An interesting article in Forbes talks about a recent McKinsey study looking into the effects of the ACA. The headline: competition and choice are increasing for consumers, and premium rate increases... Read More >>

Celebrating Safety Collaborations

We hit a notable landmark this week. Our “Safe Tables” are protected learning collaboratives that create a space for quality leaders from hospitals across the state—even competing hospitals—can share best... Read More >>

Keeping Moving on the Important, Stepping Up to the Urgent

At last week’s annual meeting, we introduced a powerful new tool: This site takes the results on almost 90 measures for all of our state’s 99 hospitals, and makes them... Read More >>

WSHA Launches New

President’s Report This is an extended version of comments made by WSHA President and CEO Scott Bond at the 82nd Annual Meeting. Steven Covey articulated the very useful distinction of... Read More >>

You want me to do WHAT to disruptive change?

Yes, that’s right– embrace it. The theme for WSHA’s 82nd Annual Meeting is “Embracing Disruptive Change in Health Care.” But it’s not just an idea– it’s the reality. There are... Read More >>

Don’t Be the Last To Know

What does your disaster preparedness coordinator know that you don’t? Do you know what they worry about? By nature and training, disaster preparedness coordinators worry about a lot of things.... Read More >>

Broad View of Health

The Fearsome Dandelion If you have a lawn, you probably hate dandelions. And yet, it is the symbol for this year’s WSHA Annual meeting. Why? You have to respect the... Read More >>

Preparing Hospital Staff for the Worst

You know how it works on an airplane. They tell you every single time: The oxygen masks will drop. Secure your own mask before assisting others. They have to be that... Read More >>

National Preparedness Month

How do you get ready for the worst? And how do you help other people get ready for the worst? That’s the challenge given to all of us as part of National Preparedness... Read More >>

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Washington State Hospital Association
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Seattle, WA 98104

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