WSHA Legislative Session Kick-Off Webcast

Next Monday is the start of the 2016 session of the Washington State legislative session. Although it's scheduled to be a short one (and we all hope it will be), it doesn't mean important work can't be done. ... Read More >>

CEO Scott Bond to retire from WSHA

Scott Bond, who has been President and CEO of the Washington State Hospital Association since 2011, has announced he will retire in January of 2017. “It has been a great privilege to serve as CEO of WSHA,” Bond said. “As I have said to my board and my staff, there is much yet to accomplish in the months ahead, and I’ll be devoting my full energy to advancing our ambitious goals."... Read More >>

Washington State Hospital Association launches improved

The Washington State Hospital Association launched its new website this month, unveiling a suite of new resources to help the state’s hospitals keep patients safe and help patients get information they need for their care.... Read More >>

WSHA presents husband-wife pair Renee and Tom Jensen with annual Joe Hopkins Award

For the first time in its history, the Washington State Hospital Association awarded the prestigious Joe Hopkins Memorial Award for outstanding leadership to two CEOs: Renee Jensen, CEO of Summit Pacific Medical Center, and Tom Jensen, CEO of Grays Harbor Community Hospital. The two leaders were identified by the committee of past recipients for their excellence in serving their communities.... Read More >>

Gregg Davidson will chair WSHA

Gregg Davidson, Superintendent and CEO of Skagit Regional Health, has been elected Chair of the Washington State Hospital Association. As Chair, Davidson will preside over the Board of Trustees and lead... Read More >>

“Achieving Best Care” award recognizes hospitals’ achievement in improving patient safety

The 2015 “Washington State Hospital Association Achieving Best Care” award recognizes achievements in making health care safer. “When it comes to our hospitals’ achievements in patient safety, Washington state has... Read More >>

WSHA wins major federal contract to improve patient safety statewide

The Washington State Hospital Association’s record of success in collaborative quality improvement will continue, thanks to the award of a federal contract to make major improvements in 17 key patient-safety topics and reduce harm and overall cost of health care. WSHA was one of just 17 awarded nationally to take part in this work. As a Hospital Engagement Network (HEN), WSHA will support hospitals’ rapid improvements in important areas of care.... Read More >>

Breastfeeding-friendly hospitals help create ‘Healthiest Next Generation’

Breastfeeding can give babies a healthy start in life. Hospitals play an important role in helping mothers start and continue breastfeeding. A new state program, Breastfeeding Friendly Washington Hospitals, recognizes hospitals that are taking steps to support breastfeeding. “We know that babies are more likely to maintain a healthy weight throughout their lives if they breastfeed for at least six months,” said state Secretary of Health John Wiesman. “Hospitals that encourage and support breastfeeding are helping to raise the healthiest next generation. Expectant parents will soon have an easier time finding out how breastfeeding-friendly their local hospital is thanks to the Breastfeeding-Friendly Hospitals program.”... Read More >>

Washington physicians and hospitals support advance care planning for public and medical community

We plan for major life events such as college, marriage, and having children - yet when it comes to planning the last chapters of our life, people often do not discuss what kind of health care they want during this significant time. The Washington State Hospital Association (WSHA) and Washington State Medical Association (WSMA) are working towards the vision that: Everyone in Washington will receive care that honors personal values in the last chapters of life.... Read More >>

WSHA Wins on Certificate of Need

SEATTLE, Wash. — The Washington State Supreme Court today unanimously invalidated the state Department of Health’s expanded Certificate of Need rule, which would have significantly increased the number and type of hospital... Read More >>

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Washington State Hospital Association
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