HHS Affirms Drug Manufacturers Should Provide 340B Discounts to Eligible Community Pharmacies

On December 30, the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the General Counsel released an advisory opinion concluding that drug manufacturers are required to deliver discounts under the... Read More >>

OIC Releases Carrier Reports on Prior Authorization

The Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC) recently posted a copy of its report to the legislature and data appendix of prior authorization metrics by major health insurance... Read More >>

WSHA Releases Regulatory Update

WSHA’s Government Affairs team has published its update to its State Regulatory Issues webpage. Members will find a comprehensive view of state rulemaking activities that affect them. This month, the team... Read More >>

L&I Webinars for Employers on Workers’ Rights and Overtime Pay

The Department of Labor & Industries announced new webinars for employers regarding workers’ rights and overtime pay. The workers’ rights webinars will educate employers about the rights of their employees... Read More >>

CMS Outpatient Rule Finalized, WSHA to Provide Hospital Specific Analyses

On December 2, CMS finalized its CY 2021 Outpatient rule, which will have significant ramifications for hospitals over time.  Within the next week, WSHA will provide a comprehensive description of... Read More >>

United Healthcare Delays Lab Registry and Billing Requirement Until 2022

United Healthcare (UHC) announced it will delay implementation of a controversial hospital lab billing policy until January 1, 2022. UHC had previously delayed implementation to April 1, 2021. UHC had notified hospitals... Read More >>

DOH and Board of Health Request Input on Notifiable Conditions Reporting Costs

The Washington State Board of Health and the Washington State Department of Health are in the process of revising rules regarding provider and facility reporting of infectious and noninfectious conditions.... Read More >>

Required Telemedicine Training Now Available

A new training required of all non-physicians providing telemedicine services to patients is now available. The training is required by state law beginning January 1, 2021. To learn more about... Read More >>

Positive State Revenue Forecast, But Much Uncertainty Remains

This morning the Economic & Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) forecast that revenue collections for the 2019–21 state budget increased by $634 million and by $328 million for the 2021-2023 biennium from the estimated numbers in the September revenue forecast.... Read More >>

WSHA, AHA Seek Federal Relief from DSH and Sequestration Cuts

Congress has reconvened for its post-election session and is expected to consider several key health care issues.... Read More >>

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