Join Washington Hospital Services Preferred Partner Sensato for a webinar on A Review of health care and public health cybersecurity goals, Feb. 29 from 11 a.m. – noon.
Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released voluntary health care-specific Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPG) to help health care organizations implement high-impact cybersecurity practices.
This webinar will review the CPG program and detail what you need to know to meet the goals. Sensato will also discuss how these relate to cybersecurity frameworks like HIPAA, NIST-CSF and NIST 800-53.
Participants will learn a detailed review of performance goals, how to take steps to implement practices in their organizations, adhering to the program and how the HPH cyber security performance goals relate to other frameworks.
By registering for the webinar, you are joining the Cybersecurity Insider Program and will get access to monthly live cybersecurity educational webinars and threat intelligence, including on-demand webinars from 2023.
Feel free to share this email with members of your team.
SensatoCybersecurity is a Washington Hospital Services Preferred Partner. Preferred Partners connect hospitals with product and service organizations to create efficiencies, lower costs and deliver exceptional health care. For more information about SensatoCybersecurity or the WHS Preferred Partners Program, contact Ed Phippen at or 206.216.2556. (Ed Phippen)