With the house of origin cutoff past, priority bills now begin moving through committees in the opposite chamber. The next cutoff of session is Wednesday, April 2, when most bills will need to pass through policy committees in the opposite chamber. However, we expect proposed budgets from the House and Senate to be released before then.
This week’s top bills with hearings in Olympia
E2SSB 5083: Ensuring access to primary care, behavioral health, and affordable hospital services
WSHA strongly opposes E2SSB 5083, which would require hospitals to contract with any PEBB or SEBB plan. Payment rates would be capped at the lesser of 1) billed charges, 2) the contractor’s contracted rate, or 3) 200% of the Medicare rate. The bill gives hospitals little leverage when insurers behave badly or increase their prior authorization requirements. The payment cut to hospitals would shift costs onto other commercial payers.
The House Committee on Appropriations will hold a public hearing on E2SSB 5083 Wednesday, March 19. WSHA will testify in opposition. Click here to sign in CON on E2SSB 5083. (Ashlen Strong)
SHB 1186: Expanding the situations in which medications can be dispensed or delivered from hospitals and health care entities
WSHA strongly support SHB 1186, which makes common sense updates to statutes surrounding the medications emergency departments and health care entities (i.e. urgent care facilities with a health care entity license) can dispense to patients upon discharge. WSHA prepared the draft of this bill. Read more from the Jan. 20 Inside Olympia.
The Senate Committee on Health & Long Term Care will hold a public hearing on SHB 1186 Tuesday, March 18. WSHA will testify in support. Click here to sign in PRO on SHB 1186. (Remy Kerr)
SSB 5124: Establishing network adequacy standards for skilled nursing facilities and rehabilitation hospitals
WSHA strongly supports SB 5124, establishing post-acute network adequacy standards for Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) and ensuring Medicaid patients have more equitable, predicable and timely access to post-acute care, such as skilled nursing and inpatient rehabilitation. WSHA’s input played a key role in crafting this legislation. Read more from the Jan. 28 Inside Olympia.
The House Committee on Health Care & Wellness will hold a public hearing on SSB 5124 March 18. WSHA will testify in support. Click here to sign in PRO on SSB 5124. (Remy Kerr)
E2SHB 1686: Creating a health care entity registry
WSHA supports E2SHB 1686: the health care entity bill. The bill has significantly changed from its original form, which WSHA had sought to amend. The bill now directs the Health Care Authority (HCA), in consultation with other agencies and stakeholders, to develop a plan and provide recommendations on how to create a complete and interactive health care registry in Washington State. The Senate Committee on Health & Long Term Care will hold a public hearing on E2SHB 1686 Tuesday, March 18. WSHA will sign in supporting the bill. (Katerina LaMarche)
SHB 1879: Concerning meal and rest breaks for hospital workers
WSHA strongly supports HB 1879, which clarifies that hospital staff can combine one or more meal and rest breaks into a longer break, and that the timing requirements for meal and rest breaks can be waived by employees. It also clarifies how some elements of the waiver process work. WSHA played a key role in drafting this legislation in collaboration with the nursing unions.
The Senate Committee on Labor & Commerce will hold a public hearing on SHB 1879 Tuesday, March 18. WSHA will testify in support. (Ashlen Strong)
WSHA weighing in: March 17-21
Monday, March 17
- Senate Human Services
- HB 1130: Concerning utilization of developmental disabilities waivers. (Zosia Stanley)
Tuesday, March 18
- House Consumer Protection & Business
- ESSB 5480: Protecting consumers by removing barriers created by medical debt. (Katerina LaMarche)
- House Health Care & Wellness
- SSB 5124: Establishing network adequacy standards for skilled nursing facilities and rehabilitation hospitals. See article above. (Zosia Stanley)
- House Labor & Workplace Standards
- Senate Health & Long Term Care
- HB 1114: Concerning the respiratory care interstate compact. (Katerina LaMarche/Mary Storace)
- SHB 1186: Expanding the situations in which medications can be dispensed or delivered from hospitals and health care entities. See article above. (Remy Kerr)
- E2SHB 1686: Creating a health care entity registry. (Katerina LaMarche)
- Senate Labor & Commerce
- 2SHB 1162: Concerning workplace violence in health care settings. (Remy Kerr)
- SHB 1879: Concerning meal and rest breaks for hospital workers. (Ashlen Strong)
Wednesday, March 19
- House Appropriations
- E2SSB 5083: Ensuring access to primary care, behavioral health, and affordable hospital services. See article above. (Ashlen Strong/Mary Storace)
- House Early Learning & Human Services
- SSB 5394: Reducing the developmental disabilities administration’s no-paid services caseload services. (Remy Kerr)
- House Health Care & Wellness
- ESSB 5557: Codifying emergency rules to protect the right of a pregnant person to access treatment for emergency medical conditions in hospital emergency departments. (Zosia Stanley)
Thursday, March 20
- House Appropriations
- SB 5764: Repealing the expiration date for the ambulance transport fund. (Andrew Busz)
- Senate Health & Long Term Care
- ESHB 1291: Concerning cost sharing for maternity services. (Andrew Busz)
- EHB 1382: Modernizing the all payers claim database. (Andrew Busz)
- SHB 1784: Concerning certified medical assistants. (Katerina LaMarche/Mary Storace)
- ESHB 1718: Concerning well-being programs for certain health care professionals. (Cara Helmer)
Friday, March 21
- Senate Health & Long Term Care
- ESHB 1531: Preserving the ability of public officials to address communicable diseases. (Zosia Stanley)