Washington Hospital Services (WHS) Industry Partner Remi helps hospitals reduce costs on original manufacturer (OEM) service agreements/extended warranties without switching service providers. Remi can help consolidate service agreements from multiple manufacturers into one agreement that reduces your current contract costs by up to 22 percent. Remi also provides online tools to track all repairs and repair history online.
Since 1998, Remi has been supporting the health care industry by providing comprehensive equipment maintenance management solutions. Remi offers a cost-effective Equipment Maintenance Management Program (EMMP) that eliminates the administrative burden of managing numerous agreements and purchase orders by consolidating everything under one agreement.
Remi has helped nearly 800 health care customers save more than $60 million in equipment maintenance management expenses. Learn more in this health care focused infographic.
Partner with Remi today to save on your equipment maintenance agreements so you can focus on what you do best — providing quality care to your patients.
The Washington Hospital Services Industry Partner program connects hospitals with product and service organizations to create efficiencies, lower costs and deliver exceptional health care. For more information about Remi or the WHS Industry Partner Program, contact Cynthia Hay at cynthiah@wsha.org or call (206) 216-2526.