Health care has changed drastically in the last 50 years, so have patients’ needs. Columbia County Health System in Dayton recently completed a large renovation, updating the hospital to better meet the needs of patients and improve many aspects of patient care.
The project was financed by a public bond that passed by just two votes, and it allowed the hospital to do work on half of its square footage. Thanks to non-load-bearing walls, the hospital was able to largely reconfigure its interior for a more logical flow. The hospital’s patient population is now mostly made up of outpatients, and the hospital was able to allocate more space to its rehabilitation facilities, which include an aquatic therapy pool. Likewise, the birthing suite was converted into hyperbaric wound care treatment space, which the hospital operates in partnership with the wound care company Healogics.
The hospital shifted entrances as well, making the ER easier to find and allowing it to lock for more security for patients and staff. The reconfiguration also allows for more patient privacy, as patients had previously needed to go by both the waiting room and cafeteria to have their tests done.
Renovations can be a challenge for small, rural hospitals, though Columbia County Health System is already experiencing the benefits of the project.
“This project really came down to partnership between our community and our partners,” Columbia County Health System CEO Shane McGuire said. (Tim Pfarr)