Strong leadership through strong governance

When WSHA’s membership works in concert, were are able to accomplish amazing things, like getting health care worker immunization rates above 90 percent, or creating a common charity care application form for all our communities. These achievements are not possible without a robust governance structure.... Read More >>

Data-driven decision making

Our goal is to give you useful information in a useful way. Over the next two months, we’re going to be testing some changes to Weekly Report to see if we can do better. You may be in one of the groups to see some differences from week to week. We’ll be watching all the usual metrics, but we also hope to be hearing directly from you. Do you like or hate the changes? Are you hoping for something else entirely?... Read More >>

Washington State providers and delivery system speak out against the American Health Care Act

Five organizations that represent Washington State's largest health care delivery systems, physicians and providers are stating their opposition to the American Health Care Act. The Washington State Hospital Association (WSHA), Washington State Medical Association (WSMA), Washington Association of Community and Migrant Health Centers (WACMHC), and the Community Health Network of Washington (CHNW), along with its subsidiary non-profit managed care company, Community Health Plan of Washington (CHPW), are calling on Congress to reject the House proposal that puts their patients at risk. Collectively, these groups represent 107 hospitals, 267 clinics, 10,000 physicians and other providers, 315,000 members, and more than 17 million patient visits a year statewide.... Read More >>

Senate budget is good for health care

The state Senate Majority Coalition Caucus released its budget March 21, marking one of the milestones of this year’s legislative session. We are pleased with the Senate budget, which does not include any cuts to hospital-based clinics and funds several important health care priorities, including the Hospital Safety Net Assessment, post-discharge placement for complex patients and nursing home care in small, rural hospitals.... Read More >>

WSHA Board holds first meeting of the year

On March 3, WSHA Board Chair Elaine Couture of Providence Health & Services convened the WSHA Board for its first meeting of the year. This was also the first board meeting with new WSHA CEO Cassie Sauer at the helm. The board covered important topics including federal law changes pending with the Affordable Care Act and compliance work for the association’s Partnership for Patients contract.... Read More >>

Spending more time with you, our members

One of my focuses will be to spend more time with our members and our key partners. To ensure our organization continues to flourish and serve, I have made a few changes to the executive team.... Read More >>

The start of a new chapter

This year was one of many changes, both large and small. Across the country, Americans braved a tense election cycle that raises questions about the future of health care. Here at WSHA, we celebrated 40 years of our Rural Hospital Leadership Conference in Chelan. We are also preparing to say farewell to WSHA President and CEO Scott Bond, who will soon be retiring. Scott has been a visionary leader, a trusted advisor and a wonderful mentor.... Read More >>

Thank you for the honor of serving

The calendar turns to 2017 and a new year begins. Undoubtedly your organization has big plans and expectations for the year ahead. As 2016 comes to close during this special season, I hope you find time to reflect on the accomplishments and many things that are positive and present in our world. As my tour with WSHA comes to an end, I am finding these reflections to be even more meaningful.... Read More >>

WSHA provides guidance on hospital signage and communication requirements in Washington State

State and federal laws require hospitals to provide an array of notice and signage to patients, workforce members and the public. The Washington State Office of the Attorney General has in recent months stepped up its enforcement of these types of requirements. Hospitals could be subject to significant penalties if found to be out of compliance.... Read More >>

We have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving comes at a beautiful time in our state, with trees shedding the last of their auburn leaves and snow beginning to fall in the mountains. This year we are also a few weeks past the close of a tense election cycle that has divided many of our communities and calls into question the future of health care. This makes Thanksgiving 2016 a particularly important one.... Read More >>

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Washington State Hospital Association
999 Third Avenue
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