Your feedback is requested on the Bree Collaborative’s draft of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) recommendations. Public comments will be accepted through 5 p.m. Friday, May 7. Please read the SDOH framework and stakeholder checklist recommendations here and submit your feedback here.
Social determinants of health are the conditions in which we are born, grow, work, live and age, and these conditions often play a role in health inequities. Despite the outsize influence of social determinants on health outcomes, the U.S. health care system is ill-equipped to address social needs.
Addressing social determinants of health will require collaboration across health systems, providers, plans, state agencies and community-based organizations with expectations for interoperability and transparency. To address the rapidly evolving field of social determinants screening and intervention, the Bree Collaborative elected to develop a broad framework for SDOH activities and establish roles for stakeholders to align our Washington state health care community.
The Bree Collaborative recommendations outline the importance of screening for social risk, strategies to support interoperable data exchange and emerging technologies to facilitate SDOH interventions. Feedback is welcome from all stakeholders working to improve the health and well-being of our community. All are encouraged to share this survey with your networks. Please reach out to with additional questions or comments about the Bree Collaborative’s SDOH work.