Our 2016 PAC campaign was a record success, raising more than $221,000! This was the most our PAC has ever raised in a single year. These contributions, along with contributions in 2015 and contributions from Washington H
ospital Services, allowed us to give more than $377,000 to state candidates and almost $44,000 to federal candidates in the 2016 elections. Additionally, 43 of the hospital/health system leadership teams reached their individual goal. For a full list of the hospital leadership teams that their met goal, please click here.
Thank you for your continued support of the PAC. We appreciate all the PAC contributions received — large and small — as it’s a tremendous part of our advocacy program. Your contributions help us support and elect champions for health care and hospital services in Olympia and Washington, D.C., and unifies our political voice. WSHA looks forward to representing you in Olympia. (Chris Bandoli and Lori Martinez)