Almost everyone on the WSHA staff is involved in preparing for our Annual Meeting coming up Oct. 7-8 in Seattle. We hope our colorful graphic for the Annual Meeting has caught your attention. We’re working hard to deliver on the theme of “Health Care 2.0: Innovation, Insights and Imperatives.”
The agenda includes dynamic speakers who are passionate about their areas of expertise, including serving ultra-digital savvy consumers, successfully moving to value-based care, employing the best evidence-based medicine and honoring our patients’ choices for end-of-life care.
Several members will share their progress employing the latest and best practices for integrating mental health, addressing community needs through telemedicine, implementing population health, serving multicultural communities and getting ready for the 2016 legislative session.
There are important decisions to be made at the meeting, including voting on some significant changes to WSHA’s bylaws pertaining to our governance structure (learn more information at our Sept. 28 webcast). The awards and social gatherings offer great opportunities to acknowledge and connect with friends and colleagues. We’re excited to also welcome a number of new hospital and health system leaders who are attending.
Many thanks to our generous sponsors for the meeting, as well as the Industry Partners who provide support throughout the year. Join us for this special opportunity to learn, celebrate and be re-inspired to continue the tremendous commitment you make to serving the health needs of the people of Washington State.
Click here for more information and to register for our 2015 Annual Meeting.