WSHA to survey Rapid Response Teams

May 17, 2017

When a patient demonstrates signs of imminent clinical deterioration, a team of providers — a Rapid Response Team (RRT) — is summoned to the bedside to immediately assess and treat the patient with the goal of rapid clinical assessment and prevention of harm. WSHA will conduct a survey to learn more about how members have initiated these programs. Our survey is intended to showcase best practices and support organizations in developing additional structures designed to meet patients’ needs, improve patient care and enhance clinical outcomes.

RRTs are traditionally triggered by nursing staff, though some hospitals allow patients and their families to trigger family-initiated rapid responses. Other facilities have developed family-activated response pathways that are not specifically clinical to address patients’ needs, decrease harm and increase patient safety.

Find more information here on the Rapid Response Teams page on the WSHA website. (Ryan Hosken)


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