All health care providers know the challenge of health-care-acquired infections (HAIs), especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the HAI improvements from before the pandemic were lost because of it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a 47% increase in CLABSIs (65% increase for ICUs), a 19% increase in CAUTIs (30% increase for ICUs) and a 45% increase in VAEs since 2019.
There is support out there. The American Hospital Association (AHA) has the AHA Living Learning Network (LLN) to support members in their fight against HAIs.
- AHA Open House Event #2: Focus on INDIRECT CARE from 8 – 9 a.m. Tuesday, June 28, 2022. This event will address HAIs from the perspective of health care professionals involved in indirect care, such as unit clerks, food and transport services, custodial services and admissions support. Register here!
WSHA also provides resources to support members involved in infection prevention and control (IPC) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS). These opportunities include:
- The WSHA Data Analytic Service Hub (DASH) infections dashboard. National Healthcare Safety Network (NSHN) data is accessed and put into DASH for visualization and comparison. DASH is WSHA’s online Tableau-based data visualization platform, which is accessible to all hospitals in Washington. WSHA provided a DASH Demo and training webinar on Wednesday, June 22. If you were unable to attend but would like information about what was covered, please contact Sandra Assasnik.
- The Infection Prevention (IP) Forum. This is a monthly interactive forum for those responsible for infection prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship. 3M provides subject matter experts and speakers just for WSHA members. CEUs are available.
- Sterile Processing. STERIS University has developed a year-long training for sterile processing just for WSHA members that is available to those responsible for sterile processing and infection prevention and control. CEUs are available.
- The IP Newsletter. This electronic publication is for those who are interested in infection prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship. It contains dates for upcoming events, current research findings and information about hot topics.
- The IPC Committee. This committee offers hospitals an opportunity to provide input on issues and priorities that are important in IPS and AMS work. This informs WSHA on where to focus our efforts.
- DELTA Day is coming up October 10, 2022. DELTA stands for Design, Engage, Learn and To Accelerate and is customized to focus on topics the IPC Committee has helped to identify. After a learning opportunity with an expert and participating in discussion with colleagues, participants identify hospital-specific barriers and develop implementation plans. Support doesn’t stop after the workshop. Participants receive coaching calls, peer networking and support, and ongoing tools to help achieve their goals.
A DELTA Day is WSHA’s most intensive training to develop skills and knowledge required to immediately implement safety and quality programs. This engagement is a collaborative, front-line improvement workshop, focusing on shared learning and rapid cycle improvement. There will be practical tools and resources ready for implementation of a quality improvement project, as well as a fun and engaging atmosphere to work in. Inter-professional teams are encouraged to attend (as trainings have been designed to be virtual, hybrid and in-person).
Hospital teams will develop their own aim and action plans based on their specific problem statements and opportunities. This is a great opportunity for a hospital interested in launching or re-engaging a team in a focused, quality improvement project. There will be an opportunity for post-event collaboration and implementation coaching to ensure your team’s efforts are sustainable and providing value to your patients and the community.
For additional information contact WSHA Safety & Quality Director Sandra Assasnik at (Sandra Assasnik)