Washington hospitals encouraged to prepare for end of federal Covid-19 public health emergency on May 11, 2023

February 2, 2023

The Biden Administration announced the federal public health emergency (PHE) for Covid-19 will end on May 11, 2023. While Washington State’s Covid-19 emergency ended in October 2022, some hospitals have continued to rely upon the federal law waivers and flexibilities for hospital operations. Hospitals are encouraged to review their current operations and activities and plan now for the May transition.

Please see the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website with information on the current flexibilities and subsequent changes, which impact those flexibilities. CMS blanket waivers in effect during the emergency can be found here. This summary from the Kaiser Family Foundation of what happens when COVID-19 emergency declaration ends may also be useful to plan for the transitions that will occur when the PHE ends. (Taya Briley)


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