Join us on Friday, June 9 from 9-10:30 a.m. for Hospitals and Opioid Misuse Prevention: Practical Strategies to Help Combat the Opioid Epidemic, to learn ways hospitals can help prevent opioid misuse. Opioid deaths increased in Washington state by 35% in both 2020 and 2021, and much work is occurring in hospitals across the state to promote treatment strategies, expand access to care, and increase availability of life-saving medications like Naloxone. There is also an opportunity for hospitals to engage in prevention activities. Prevention must be part of our approach to address this crisis, and hospitals can play an active role.
Learn more about this upcoming event and register for the webinar. The recording and slides will be shared with all registrants following the event. This offering will provide 1.5 continuing education contact hours (CECH) for individuals who attend the session live. (Brittany Weiner)