‘Starts with One’ campaign makes a statewide impact, seeks partner feedback

May 21, 2024

For the last 18 months, WSHA has worked with the state Health Care Authority (HCA) and DH, a social impact agency, to partner with hospitals across the state for opioid harm reduction activities through the “Starts with One” campaign. We are pleased to report that, to date, we have sent out provider toolkits to 90 hospitals, clinics and health districts, and partnered with 68 WSHA member hospitals to engage in harm reduction work.

We would love to hear from you if your hospital has utilized the program! WSHA will join DH in holding 15-minute micro sessions with hospitals to gather feedback on the campaign materials to ensure future content better meets providers’ needs. You can sign up to talk with our team here. WSHA and DH are also seeking feedback directly from providers through a five-minute online survey related to prescribing practices and experiences, and experiences talking with patients about opioids.

The “Starts with One” campaign is an educational initiative designed to inform young adults, their parents, and older adults about the dangers of prescription drug misuse and the importance of safe storage, use and disposal. The campaign is funded by HCA and supported by WSHA. At no cost to hospitals, the provider toolkit includes handouts for patients that promote safe storage and safe disposal of medications and alternative pain management options, an opioid prescribing best practices guide, facility signage, and video vignettes that model positive conversations between providers and patients on patient-centric pain management options. The “Starts with One” toolkit and training videos are freely available online for those who would like to join in this work.

At a time when so many are struggling with substance use disorder, this program takes on great importance. It both connects providers with resources to ensure best practices in prescribing and gives members of the community guidance on how to prevent opioid misuse and support those who are struggling. Learn more on the “Starts with One” website and contact estherb@wearedh.com or me at tinas@wsha.org with any questions you may have.

Thank you to all who have participated and given us feedback!


Tina Seery
WSHA Senior Director, Safety and Quality


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