Twice per year, the Sentinel Network surveys health care providers across the state to better understand the current workforce environment. The latest survey closes Friday, Nov. 10, and takes less than 15 minutes to complete. Findings are confidential and only reported in aggregate. Your responses will help inform health care policy decisions in our state, and ongoing hospital participation is crucial. Take the survey now.
You can also explore insights from fellow Sentinels on the Network’s findings dashboard, in policy briefs, and overarching and pandemic-related findings pages.
The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network considers the input from the survey to be confidential, and your organization’s data is reported in aggregate form. Ongoing hospital participation is crucial to address evolving state needs.
Washington health care providers by this survey shape workforce policy with a simple, biannual questionnaire which takes less than 15 minutes to complete. For questions, please email or call (206) 543-9797. (Trish Anderson)