Washington Hospital Services Industry Partner Sensato is offering Tactical Cybersecurity Incident Response Training from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PT on May 7, 14 and 21. The three-session program will combine cybersecurity strategy with hands-on practice and workshops. The training is not a traditional cybersecurity incident response event but will focus on health care approaches and today’s current threat landscape.
Upon completion, attendees will leave understanding cybersecurity incident response and management. Through the workshops and hands-on practice, attendees will also develop their incident response plan that has been tested during the training program. Recordings of the sessions will be provided to all registrants, along with the slides and any handouts. The training is intended for chief information officers, compliance managers and members of the hospital’s incident response team. Registration costs $395 per person, and you can use the code “WSHA” for a $100 discount. Registration is available online.
The Washington Hospital Services Industry Partner program connects hospitals with product and service organizations to create efficiencies, lower costs and deliver exceptional health care. For more information about Sensato or the WHS Industry Partner Program, contact Ed Phippen, edp@wsha.org or call (206) 216-2556.