Call for comment: Revised advance directive

February 4, 2021

We are pleased to invite stakeholders to participate in a call for comment on the proposed revisions to the Honoring Choices Pacific Northwest Statewide Advance Directive. The proposed, revised documents were developed based on extensive conversations with the end-of-life stakeholder community. The goal is to streamline, clarify, and modernize the documents, and to ensure their continued relevance and effectiveness in the changing health care environment.

Honoring Choices Pacific Northwest is a joint initiative of the Washington State Hospital Association and the Washington State Medical Association. Our vision is that everyone will receive care that honors personal values and goals at the end of life. The proposed revisions are the result of a year-long, inclusive process with key stakeholders. Members represented diverse perspectives, including clinicians, advance care planning professionals, end-of-life care professionals, health equity experts, and the public.

All stakeholders are encouraged to participate, especially front-line clinical staff such as nurses, providers, case managers, social workers and chaplains who will actively work with patients and advance directives. We are also seeking direct community feedback, so please share this call for comment link with anyone you see fit.

Please provide your comments via this online survey. We will accept comments until Feb. 22, 2021.

Additionally, our colleagues at the Washington State Medical Association, Washington State Department of Health, and the Washington End of Life Coalition are also seeking comments on revisions to the Washington POLST document. If you are interested in providing comments on that revision use the same link above.

Please contact Sue Bergmann at with questions.


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